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Buy Bird Houses Online

In early spring before nesting season begins, you'll attract more species with nest materials, and platforms for non-cavity dwelling birds. Throughout the remainder of the year, your bird houses offer swell roosting spots too!Find the most unique birdhouses crafted in ceramics, copper, stoneware, and wood, most are made in the USA with quality to last for years. They'll brighten any environment, while providing real homes for wild birds. For just about any occasion... handmade birdhouses from our individual artisans make wonderful and long-lasting gifts for any nature enthusiast on your list!

buy bird houses online

Sad but true, finding suitable nest cavities for wild birds is difficult in much of North America. Competition from non-native birds, along with urban sprawl and habitat decimation have greatly reduced natural nest cavities. More than 50 species of birds use nest boxes or birdhouses for nesting and fledging their young, so providing a birdhouse not only helps solve the shortage, it enhances your birding experience as well.For ultimate wild bird attraction, create a simple oasis by adding water and food sources. Native evergreens, fruit bearing trees and shrubs, or bird feeders, plus a fresh water source will fulfill birds' basic needs.Thanks for housing the birds and happy birding!Please note: Starlings and House Sparrows (both non-native species) and House Wrens will remove/destroy the eggs of native songbirds from nest boxes. They will also kill adults and babies over territorial rights to a birdhouse. If you'd like to learn more about protecting our native songbirds, please visit

A day in the garden or on the balcony. The sun is shining and the birds are chirping. Not long and the everyday worries are blown away. They relax. In the background the constant singing of the birds. To make sure that their home is still the venue for numerous concerts, they have to take their feathered friends a little under their wings. With a suitable feeding place you can make your life easier and your garden or balcony to the popular starting point for birds.

Every year a species of birds is threatened with extinction. The reason for this is today's agriculture and the dense population. They expel birds from their natural habitat. Birdhouses or a feeding place counteract the increased singing birds' death by offering the animals a place to relax. For this reason, ornithologists advise increasing numbers of year-round and not exclusively winter feeding.

For birdhouses and feeding places sunflower seeds, oat flakes and chopped peanuts are suitable. Whoever wants to do something special for their little friends can make the food on by themselves. Just put some oil in a pot and heat it. Afterwards, add bird feeding mixture together with a teaspoon sunflower oil. Shape small balls out of the mass. Be sure to incorporate a tape to later attach the dumplings directly. The ideal place for the finished treats is, for example, the Bird Roof "Just for Birds" from the manufacturer side by side.

Birds feel most comfortable between bushes and trees. It is important that you place the bird house at a safe height. Experts recommend around two meters. Make sure that no tree trunk is in range or range. They like cats and marten as a leader.

Who are the guests to your bird hotel? Robins, bramblings and blackbirds are usually looking for their food close to the ground and do not count towards the visitors. Sparrows and greenfinchs look higher and are gladly and much seen visitors. With the Barcelona Bird Pavilion of Menu, you will give the spring visitors a special stay - including a bird bath.

You want to buy a designer birdhouses online, but need support? Please feel free to contact our customer service. We help you if you have any problems with your purchase, give recommendations and we can quickly clarify questions. Let us send you your favorite product to your home, comfortably within a few working days!

A birdhouse business manufactures and sells birdhouses, typically built from wood. The birdhouses can range from simple to extravagant. Some are small enough for just a single bird, while others have multiple compartments for multiple birds. Most entrepreneurs who sell birdhouses do so as a side project instead of as their primary business. However, the right approach could lead to a full-time business depending on the circumstances.

The ongoing costs of a birdhouse business include materials, tools, shop space, store maintenance (online and/or brick and mortar), and possibly employee wages. You can do a lot to keep your costs down (like using found materials for building), but some costs are unavoidable, like tool maintenance.

The target market for your birdhouses includes homeowners and birdwatchers. Many homeowners are interested in attracting more birds to their yards and want birdhouses for this purpose. Birdwatchers want to attract birds as well, and your birdhouses can help keep birds around the neighborhood. Depending on where you are located, tourists could be another market segment worth considering.

Some birdhouse businesses charge as little as $10 a birdhouse. Others build elaborate birdhouses that sell for $500. You will probably have to sell products on the lower end as you establish your reputation. But if you can develop a strong customer base and create birdhouses that justify the cost, you can eventually start charging more.

You can make your business more profitable by improving your carpentry skills. The more refined you can make your birdhouses and/or the more elaborate you can make your designs, the more you can charge. If you want to charge $500 for a birdhouse, you need to be capable of creating something that most other birdhouse makers cannot easily replicate.

This business is right for entrepreneurs who have a passion for carpentry or who are interested in learning basic carpentry skills. A lot of successful birdhouse business owners do most of their sales at fairs and similar events, so it is also helpful to have people skills and to enjoy talking about your craft with others.

Build a house for a specific bird.Build a birdhouse for a cavity-nesting bird that occurs in your region and lives in the habitat in which you plan to put in a birdhouse. (See Birdhouse Dimension Table to select a species.)

Build the right size house and hole dimensions. Different species of birds require different sized houses and entrance holes. Inside dimensions must be large enough to accommodate the incubating biard and a brood of growing young. Entrance hole size is especially important. If the hole is too small, the bird you built the box for won't be able to get inside. If the hole is too big, predatory birds and mammals will be able to get inside and reach the nest, and cavity-nesting birds may not use the house.

Use the proper materials.Wood is the best material for birdhouses. Other materials (like metal or plastic) may not insulate the nest enough, so eggs or young could become chilled in cold weather or overheated in warm, sunny weather. Use rough-cut wood slabs, tree sections, or 3/4-inch plywood. Never use creosote-treated wood as creosote may kill the eggs or chicks.

Use galvanized nails, as these will not rust. Birdhouses need not be painted, but the box may last longer if you paint the outside. Never paint the inside of a birdhouse. If you paint the outside, use dull (not bright or glossy) colors that blend in with the surroundings. Nest boxes that don't match the vegetation may be easier for predators to find.

Build a box that will stay dry and warm.Place the roof of a birdhouse at a slight angle and extend it over the sides and front of the box. In this way, the roof will shed rain or snow and protect the entrance hole and sides from dripping water.

Do NOT add perches.Perches allow predatory birds (like jays, magpies, ravens, and crows) better access to the eggs and young in a nest box. In contrast, cavity-nesting birds rarely use perches and prefer cavities without perches.

Be sure young birds will be able to leave the nest.Roughen the inside of the nest box below the entrance hole or attach a sheet of 1/4-inch galvanized wire mesh, so fledging young can climb out easily.

Provide woodpeckers, waterfowl, and owls with nest material.Many cavity-nesting birds will add their own nest material, but the woodpeckers, waterfowl and owls prefer nest boxes with 2-3 inches of dry sawdust or woodchips in the bottom.

Place the box carefully.Put your birdhouse up on a sturdy pole, post, tree, or under a house eave. Freely swinging birdhouses are rarely used. Be sure to place the birdhouse at the proper height and in the right habitat for the bird you want to attract (see distribution and habitat information in the dimension table). Face the entrance away from prevailing winds.

Don't overcrowd an area with nest boxes.Most cavity-nesting birds defend territories, so don't overcrowd an area with nest boxes for a single species. Usually, nest boxes should be placed 50 feet or more apart. Swallows, however, will tolerate neighbors and will sometimes nest in “apartment” birdhouses.

We encourage you to mount your new birdhouse on a pole system. This way it can be effectively baffled from predators like snakes, cats & raccoons.This method also cuts down on insect activity in the nest.

At WBU we have designed our bird house to include all the key features necessary for a bird house. We wanted a birdhouse that met all the requirements of the birds, yet was also: visually pleasing, sturdy, well-built, easy to clean, easy to monitor, easy to photograph the family, properly ventilated and easy to hang or post-mount. We created a copyrighted design for our WBU Bird Houses that has all of the above features, then built it in many sizes and hole specifications to meet the needs of birds all across North America. We have the first and only outdoor birdhouse on the market that has a two-way opening system. Open the side to clean out the nest. Open the roof to monitor, view, and photograph the progress of the family. Our opening and locking mechanism is simple, quick, and predator-proof. Seriously, these are really great birdhouses! They have been tested by our customers and expert bluebird trail sponsors for many years, and receive rave reviews. 041b061a72


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