Yoga is so much more than Hatha and Raja yoga, which is known for discipline, posing, stretching and bending
It’s a combination of philosophies meant for spiritually ascending
It’s a lifestyle, faith, ideology, philosophy and science that’s never ending
Yoga can be both simple and perplexing
There are many different branches and schools with different viewpoints and rules
Yoga, meditation, wisdom, compassion and devotional concentration are the enlightened one’s tools
The wise stay humble, because they know God and knowledge is infinite, thus they know they will always be fools
With the different yogas, where should I start?
There’s a path called Bhakti, which is the path of the heart
It is the path where one concentrates on his or her emotional devotion and has a loving relationship to a personal form of divine consciousness and all of God’s creatures and existence
You can worship or adore Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Shiva, Allah, Jah, the divine feminine or any other personal God for spiritual union, unconditional love and upliftment
Then there’s the path of intellect and knowledge called Jnana (pronounced Gyana)
This is for people who like to think with their brains and use science and philosophical knowledge to find the answers to life, self-realization and nirvana
Jnana yogis are impersonal; To them the ultimate reality and original cause of existence is formless, nothingness and empty
Bhakti yogis on the other hand believe that God or universal consciousness has form and personal attributes that are diverse and plenty
Thirdly, there’s karma yoga, which means seeing God in all and doing selfless good deeds to benefit all others
It is volunteering, teaching, helping and healing our struggling sisters and brothers
There’s also a yoga called Kriya Where you obtain God realization by getting in touch with the energies of your inner Krishna, Buddha, Christ and Shiva
Don’t forget about Kundalini yoga too, The divine feminine serpent energy that exists within you
Anyone on a spiritual path, and even atheists, are yogis whether they realize it or not
Some choose to live by the heart, others by the brain and mind, and others by their deeds Some yogis live in isolation and reject the world’s pleasures while others enjoy life and even smoke weed
Some yogis are objective materialists, others are subjective spiritualists, and others like to balance the two
While it is okay to enjoy life’s pleasures, the ultimate aim of life is moksha or liberation from the cycle of birth, death and suffering from this crazy planet which seems like a mental
asylum and zoo
You can follow any one of the yoga paths or even combine them and fuse
Live the life that makes you happy and you can choose
To be genuine by having love, inner and outer peace, happiness and hold truthful views
The yogi’s journey starts within; the spirit soul or divine consciousness is also known as you!